Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Smiley Todds

Toddler: "n. An emotionally unstable pint-sized dictator with the uncanny ability to know exactly how far to push you before reverting to a loveable cuddle-monster." 

When deciding to blog about the hard Toddler stages, that cute little quote popped up on my Facebook! Toddlers are the most lovable, squishy, and adorable tiny humans known to mankind. 

As teachers and parents, we have to take a step back and remember that they have only been on the Earth for a short amount of time. They don't always know what we need or want or how to express what they need or want. This can be such a frustrating stage for teachers and parents, alike, but they make up for it in their sweet smiles and hysterical giggles. 

So be easy on them, but be easy on yourself. Biting, hairpulling, pushing, and screaming happens- it's all apart of the toddler life, but it doesn't last long. We do the best we can and at the end of the day, those kiddos know they are loved and adored by everyone around them and thats what matters. 

Enjoy these smiley babes and remember, they won't be this little forever. 

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