When learning math concepts, child care providers often focus on counting. Counting teaches children to memorize the number words in the correct order (one, two, three, four, five...).
One-to-one correspondence is the concept that children have the ability to count a number of objects accurately. A child that understands one-to-one correspondence knows that 2 apples = 2 or that 5 cars = 5.
Many young children have mastered the memorization of the numbers in order, but sometimes do not comprehend one-to-one correspondence. For example, when counting 5 cars, a child might say “1,2,3,4,5" but skip one of the cars. Or, they may count a car twice. Within our program, children are given many opportunities to master this concept.
How many chairs can you count?
Three chairs!
How many bears can you count?
Three Bears!
How many cards can you count? Six Cards!
Ms. Alex demonstrating the hand to eye coordination that assists with one to one correspondence.
I can't wait to count the chairs at my house!