Ms. Jessica and Ms. Kristi, our PreK teachers do this often. This is an example that displays what is important to them. They truly foster a sense of kindness and helpfulness in their classroom, so the PreK littles helped make a "Helpful Collage!"
Check it out!
The children chose helpful images from magazines and cut them out to display on the group collage. Fine motor, expanding attentiveness, and developing empathy!
I can be helpful by making food for my mom!
I can be helpful by cleaning up and helping with my little brother!
This is an easy activity to implement at home!
Here are some questions to ask as you conduct the activity:
"What does helpful mean?"
"Who do you know that is helpful?"
"What did you do today that was helpful?"
"Why is it good to be helpful?"
Please do not forget the social emotional development of children in this fast paced world.