Wednesday, February 22, 2017


We are LOVING this weather this week! The sunshine brings a sense of excitement and energy for the new year! We have had picnics, hooping contests, trike races and of course lots of smiles!

Sunshine Smiles!

Hoop Contest!

Hello!! <3

She's so fast!

Toddler Trike Race!

Sun Glow!

Hi there!

Skip, Skip!

More Toddler Trike Races!
We are looking forward to more outdoor adventures! This is only the beginning!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Patterns and Sorting!

Lots of learning happening today in our PreK 3 class!! We had so much fun  sorting our new cards in order from smallest to largest. After we sorted them, we created patterns as well.

Their faces lit up with pride when they saw their finished products!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Fresh Juice To Go!!

Fresh Juice @ grab and go was an absolute HIT!! Parents were amazed when we hid fresh veggies in the kid's juices, and the kids just went wild about how good it tasted! That's a win/win right there! A staff member brought in their juicer from home, and we made several different mixes of apples, oranges, carrots, broccoli, celery and even a bag of salad. We will definitely have to do this grab and go again!

The kids were in awe of the juicing machine and just stood there amazed at how it took all the fresh juice out of the fruits and vegetables.

Parents and children were lined up, with bright eyes, waiting for their juices to go!

Enjoying fresh carrots while we wait for our juice!
This was such a fun way to end our January theme of Fitness Fanatics! We've had so much fun perfecting our healthy habits!